Sunday, October 15, 2006

Free Verse Poetry," I am a ..."

I am a Clock

Early morning of nuptials, love was passion,

As noon arrived,

The child we brought into this world

Added joy and contentment.

To see her blossom,

Mid afternoon into a caring adult,

Was our reward for the loved we shared,

Early evening, grandchildren added depth.

Life’s clock blessed us with longevity and permitted,

Desire to age, like vintage wine,

Deep, full of character, satisfying.

As midnight descends on our marriage,

Sweet dreams my beloved, with generous love,

We’ll meet again and embrace in the cosmos.

“I am a Metronome”
How did my owner spend my ticking?

In childhood, obliviously,

In teens, freely and joyously,

Confident a long future lay ahead.

In early adulthood, recklessly,

Climbing and aspiring without restraint,

Gambling that the future won’t be cut short.

In the middle years, more wisely,

And sharing with a partner and children.

Shadows gather, foretelling pendulum’s swings finiteness,

Natural universe co-operatively,

Laughter cherished, compensating for sorrow,

As grandparents and parents fade.

As the metronome's beats wan, introspectively,

Tragedy is: “I’m sorry,” unsaid,

Something undone or vista unseen,

Within the time that was measured out for me.