Friday, September 22, 2006

Writing Journal (Poetry)


Fall is approaching early

Reds, golds, oranges, replace greens

Soon no leaves are here!

Butterfly Sonnet

As summer wanes, the monarch takes to flight,

It has been gathering its strength through long summer days,

The gentle creatures fly from my sight,

Southward their wings beat toward this part of their life’s phase.

At night they stop to replenish their thirst,

A collector with a net spies them in repose,

Their beautiful wings were their curse,

The tiny butterflies fight the bonds of death’s throes.

The nylon breaks; they are free to survive,

Exhausted from their journey they arrive,

One of the world’s smallest fluttering elite,

Their circles of life are now complete.

They are as precious as a world gem,

The sun-baked earth welcomes them.

Free verse,
To My Darling:

In the early morning of our nuptials, love was passion,
As noon arrived,
The infant we brought into this world
has added to my joy and contentment

Our child blossomed
at mid afternoon into a caring adult,
A tender grown woman is life’s reward to parents,
At early evening, grandchildren added depth.

Time has blessed us with longevity and permitted,
Our desire for each other to age like vintage wine
To be deep, full of character and satisfying.
As midnight descends on our marriage,

"Sweet dreams my beloved, the depth of your love,
Will remain with me into eternity."